Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Illegal immigration - 2120 Words
Alien Invasion Illegal immigration is widespread throughout the United States. There are 12 million or more illegal aliens in the United States, this number continues to rise (Swartz). This influx of illegal immigrants causes jobless Americans to lose out on opportunities. Employers choose to pay illegal immigrants lower wages than American workers. Is it right to pay illegal immigrants less than Americans to do the same job? Should the illegal immigrants be deported? Should border control be increased? Will border control help to decrease illegal immigrants? Will the argument hold for the 14th amendment? Is the child of an illegal immigrant a citizen of the United States? Will anyone stand up to illegal immigration? Most people are†¦show more content†¦General Joseph Swing was tasked to formulate a plan for the apprehension and deportation of illegal aliens, named Operation Wetback. He ignored congressman who supported illegal immigrants and was not able to be bought by corrupt men. On Ju ne 17, 1954, more than 700 border patrol agents were sent by Swing to start the sweep through Arizona and California. Within a month, more than 25,000 illegal aliens were taken into custody by Swings border patrol agents. Thousands more, fearing arrest, had self-deported. By September, nearly 100,000 illegal aliens had been taken into custody and deported while an additional 700,000 had chose to self-deport as to not risk arrest. Swing has been successful with having limited funds and only 700 agents in the field at any one time. But Swing had an abundance of determination and will to enforce the law. What Swing did in 1954 could be done today if only the government had the will. Retired Border Patrol agent Walt Edwards, who participated in the sweep through the Southwest in 1954, declared in 2006, Some say we cannot send 12 million illegals now in the United States back where they came from. Of course we can†¦ When we start enforcing the law, these various businesses are, on their own, going to replace their illegalShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration 1280 Words  | 6 PagesIllegal immigration has been a source of mounting concern in the United States since the 1970’s. Statistics indicate that the past ten years have witnessed an increase in the number of illegal immigrants with the number estimated to increase in the future. â€Å"The percentage of illegal immigrant population from Mexico was 59% (or 6.8 million) as of January 2013. Other countries with large amounts are El Salvador (660,000) Guatemala (52000), Hondorous (380,000) and China (280,000)†(Infoplease 1). TheRead MoreIllegal Immigration598 Words  | 3 Pagesl ARTICLE ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Migration has always represented an important factor in society’s development. Ever since ancient times, people have been travelling around the world, some staying only for a while, some choosing to set (A SE STABILI) in certain areas, getting married and starting a family with a local partner. Consequently, cultures and languages mixed and this is how powerful nations like England, The USA, Germany were born. This phenomenon of migration also takes place nowadaysRead MoreIllegal Immigration1753 Words  | 8 PagesIllegal Immigration The Economy of Illegal Immigration The Economy of Illegal Immigration Americans on a daily basis are bombarded with broadcasts from newspapers, television, and special interest groups on the economic burdens created by illegal immigrants. Reports and statistics of growing state and local deficits; is it fact or fiction? In reality, undocumented Mexicans are necessary to the health of our economy. They provide a workforce in agriculture they keep the costs down; theyRead MoreIllegal Immigration1709 Words  | 7 PagesIllegal Immigration: The Undocumented Issue In this paper I will discuss one of the biggest issues in the United States: Illegal immigrants. Some may say that illegal immigration has a positive impact on the United States’ economy, and some think that these undocumented immigrants affect jobs and wages of people that are living in this country. I think that illegal immigrants harm the United States’ economy through their use of our country’s social services such as health care, education andRead MoreIllegal Immigration : Illegal Immigrants949 Words  | 4 PagesIllegal immigrants have been a hot topic lately due to the popularity of this topic amongst the Republican Presidential Nominees, especially Donald Trump. These illegal immigrants bring various things to this country when they come. Some things are positive, such as a family simply seeking to find a better life, while some things are harmful to the United States, such as the amount of crime among illegal immigrants. In July 2015, the most recen t estimate of illegal immigrants was 11.2 million. ThisRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1286 Words  | 6 Pages Undocumented Immigration An analysis of illegal immigration in the United States reveals one challenge facing the banks and other institutions: whether to provide banking and other services to the illegal immigrants or to treat them as criminals because they are illegal and therefore, not to provide them with banking and other services. The articles, â€Å"Crossing the Line†by Stein and â€Å"Illegal Immigrants – They’re Money,†by Rodriguez discuss the impact of illegal immigration in the United StatesRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants1335 Words  | 6 PagesIllegal immigration has been one of the main topics during the last three presidential election. Many bills and laws have been passed in order to keep them out but is it really necessary to neglect illegal immigrant? Most Americans believe that illegal immigrants are only people of Mexicans or Latin American descent but illegal immigrants can be from any race or country. Illegal immigration is defined by United States Department of Homeland Security as â€Å"†¦ all foreign-born non-citizens who are notRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration1155 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Illegal Immigration is a huge topic especially in 2017, bringing in different aspects about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are told to be killers, drug dealers, job stealers and whom also hurt the U.S. economy. Is this true? Could it possibly be that they do all of this to hurt the United States? Or could it be that they truly come here for the American Dream? On one side of people’s perspectives illegal immigrants come here to help provide for their family and don’t takeRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1100 Words  | 5 PagesIllegal immigration Over the past few years illegal immigration has become a bigger problem. Statistics reveal that more and more immigrants are entering the country illegally by crossing the borders. If something is not done soon, this may get out of hand and be to gone far not to handle. The number of illegal immigrants have gone up over the past years drastically In 2011, there were 40 million immigrants in the U.S. Of that 11.1 million were illegal. Although the number of illegalRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration964 Words  | 4 PagesA. Attention Step (quotation, question, or story) About four months ago in government class, we had a class discussion. The topic was illegal immigration. One student said that America should send the illegal immigrants back to their country because they are taking American’s jobs. He stated that he would send his dad back to Mexico because he is an illegal immigrant. Going around the circle that we created, everyone gave their opinions, most disagreed, but some agreed with the student. When it
Monday, December 16, 2019
Compare/Contrast Antigone and Creon Free Essays
Compare / Contrast Antigone and Creon There is always going to be some kind of conflict in a family. It may happen often, and sometimes rarely. In the century-old story Antigone there is a huge conflict. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare/Contrast: Antigone and Creon or any similar topic only for you Order Now Antigones brother, Polyneices, refuses to pass on the throne. Therefore, he and his brother Etheocles go to war, and they both end up killing each other. Therefore, it resulted in Polyneices death. When he died, Creon; the ruler of Thebes, refuses to let anyone bury him. So he will be left in public shame. Not regarding any of the laws Creon created, and ignoring what her family says, Antigone goes ahead and covers him with some dirt and â€Å"buries†him. To begin with, Antigone has gone through a hardship. She has lost her brother and her family is very mad with her, since they have also been brought into the conflict. Antigone is very strong; she does what she wants without thinking twice. She is also very sneaky. She buried her brother without anyone noticing. The blame was even put on her timid sister, Ismene. Who was later questioned by Creon, and also was held by him until she was found innocent. But Antigone already knows her consequences, so she is ready if she is caught. Antigone also follows the Gods law. She believes that manmade law must harmonize with the Gods law. She is lead by her emotions and what her heart tells her to do. Antigone strongly believes that both of her brothers deserve burial rights, therefore she fights for it. On the other hand, Creon differs somewhat. Creon inherited the throne after Oedipus was killed. He only honored Ethocles, and announced that no one would be allowed to bury Polyneices. As you can tell, Creon likes to go by the laws he created, not by the Gods. Creon doesn’t like to listen to others opinions about the situation. Haemon, his son, tries to convince Creon to not bury Antigone. Yet, he doesn’t even take a second to think about it. Haemon then mentions Creons ruling is tyranny, not government. How to cite Compare/Contrast: Antigone and Creon, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
A Good Man Is Hard to Find free essay sample
One might think that Grandmothers are sweet and loving, and often innocent due to their advanced age and condition. We, as society, think of them as great examples of people that radiate love, mentors, and defenders of morality and good manners. However, this is not the case in A Good Man Is Hard to Find, by Flannery O’Connor. As the story unfolds, her personality reflects that hidden evil we all carry inside and how detouring on a route takes a whole family to face disastrous consequences, yet one person finds redemption from that evil. A Good Man Is Hard to Find is a story that symbolizes redemption, because there is a sinner, there is a journey, and there is redemption. In our society we tend to minimize, and sometimes erase the word â€Å"sin†because, for the most part, it bothers people’s conscience. Although the word â€Å"sin†is not explicitly exposed in the story A Good Man is Hard to Find, the action and consequences of sin are vividly present throughout the story, in all the characters, especially the Grandmother. What does he mean by this, and how is he correct-or incorrect-in his assessment? A Good Man Is Hard To Find, a short story, written by Flannery O Connor, is set in Atlanta and details the story of a family who are murdered by three psychopaths and the fate of the who didnt wanted to go to Florida for vacation instead, she wanted to visit some of her relatives in east Tennesse but the bad luck follows her at her every turn and puts an end to her clan. As the Misfit says at the end of the story, She would of been a good women if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life (290). She had a son named Bailey, who she used to live with. Bailey, had a wife, which according to the grandmother wasnt a real women. But rather, she was a lady, as she wore slacks and had tied her hair with a green head-kerchief that pointed on the top like rabbits ears. They had a eight year old chubby boy with glasses, John Wesley and a little girl named June Star and a small baby. The grandmother was trying to change Baileys mind every second she got the chance to. As grandma was reading a Journal in the newspaper that a prisoner who called himself, the Misfit was free from the jail and was heading towards Florida, she tried to convence Bailey not to go to Florida but Bailey didnt spoke a word. She even tried telling the childrens mother but she intended not to hear her. The next morning, grandma was the first one to get in the car with her hippopotamus head like suitcase, and under which was a basket with, Pitty Sing, her cat. She planed not to keep the cat at home for she would miss her too much. Then, the grandmother sat at the back of their car inbetween John Wesley and June Star and Briley drove the car with his wife and a baby in the front seat. The grandmother sat cozily removing her white gloves and putting them back on her purse. She had on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a navy blue dress with a small white dot imprinted on it while the childrens mother still had that slacks and the head-kerchief around her head with the baby on her arms. The grandma thought to herself that it was going to be a good day for driving as the weather was pleasant and she warned Bailey that the speed limit was fifty-five miles an hour. She pointed out the decor of the surroundings as the childrens mother was taking a nap with the baby. John Wesley, was told his dad, Lets go fast as we dont have to look at it much and Tennessee was a hillbilly dumping ground and Georgia was a lousy state and the grandmother added that, one isnt suppose to talk about their nation in that way. The chindern in her time were were more respectful of their nation, partents and everything else. Then, grandma told them a story about a good looking gentleman, Mr. Edgar Atkins Teagarden from Georgia, who used to bring her a watermelon every saturday with his initials carved in. The children made fun of it and they stopped at the Tower for barbecued sand-wich. This quotation, at the end of the story, reveals the Misfit’s understanding of what has occurred in the grandmother’s final moments, and he seems to recognize two things about her. First, he fully understands that despite her obvious belief in her moral superiorityâ€â€which she conveys through her self-proclaimed identification as a â€Å"lady†and religious instructionâ€â€the grandmother is not, in fact, a good woman. She is flawed and weak, and her age grants her no particular rights for respect or reverence. Second, the Misfit recognizes that when facing death, the grandmother has the capacity to be a good woman. In her final moments, she foregoes the moral high ground she’d staunchly held and instead embraces her and the Misfit’s common humanity. The Misfit observes this shift and seems to realize what it means: if the grandmother could have lived her life at gunpoint, so to speak, she could have gained the self-awareness and compassion that she’d lacked.
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